Okay so heres a sneak peak of the Beauty shoot i mentioned a few posts ago..
Friday, 26 February 2010
The curent exhibition at the V&A, 'Decode' the Digital Design Sensation was at first... a corridor of screen savers. Okay so some people like that kinda thing, but for me being the big kid i am like something more interactive and playful.
And that is just what i got.
The Venetian Mirror by Fabrica, plays with the idea of time and photographic development. When standing in front you do not see yourself immediately (kinda creepy huh.) but eventually, if you keep very still your reflection will start to appear. Allowing you to create a series of images or poses that can turn you from one person to the next or seeing how long you can balance on one leg till you appear?! It toys with the sense of new, old and the fragility of time (and you knees!).
A Videogrid by Ross Phillips lets you record 3 seconds of footage building up a grid of fast moving images. Saving every so often i can't imagine what people have recorded. In the case of these school kids it was middle fingers and rabbit ears. Yes that is me in the middle... fighting through the sea of school children who barged me from my 3 seconds of fame!
Mehmet Akten develops tools that allow us to explore new ways of digital interaction. This large scale piece was one of my favorites. 'Body Paint' shows a spread of bright colours flowing across a black canvas, following the movement of the body it invites the audience into a piece of continuous performance art.
Only downside.. unfortunately half of the exhibition was under repair, which i am not really too surprised at the way some of the school kids were going at it. :| Okay so i would be excited if i was taken somewhere like that while at school so hey i wont rant on :]
Take Note: Go later in the evening to avoid being barged over or sworn at by kids. Apart from that for £4.50, very cool.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Thrift Store Jumble Sale..
On the weekend of the 13th Feb, Brick Lanes Thrift store held their end of season Jumble Sale.
The chance to fill a bag with what ever you could find.. and pay a measly £10 for a medium bag & £20 for a large, i was hoping to bag a few bargains.
We popped down there.. maybe a tad optimistic, following the satisfied smiles and overflowing bags, we turned the corner to find...
1st half..
2nd half..
Needless to say i wasn't that crazy to queue up.
Creative mess..
I find when your told to do anything you want, it actually makes it more difficult to decide what to do.
So.. i do what i do best.
Make a mess.
Fruit bowl in the middle of the madness!
Laurel & Hardy & The Marx Bro's... slightly forced influence of my dad! :]
After pulling out a picture of me as a young.. newspaper clad kid?! It brings me back to my childhood. The fact i was so shy & reserved led me being well lets face it.. a total reject ha, well not quite.
I'm not sure how any child these days can grow up without reading, let alone not joining the most magical world of Roald Dahl. He led me away with his stories to explore my imagination, one of the biggest influences in my life, and the person who led me to dream of being an author when i was a wee kid.
How times have changed.
laurel and hardy,
marx brothers,
roald dahl
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Make Up Store
Beauty shoot at Make Up Store in Westfeilds tomorrow with the gang, going to be a quick one after hours again!
Using young girls between the ages of 10-13 their going to love it!
Going for a home made artsy look, wraps, pins, buttons, textures the lot! So i better get started on this amazing head peices!!

make up,
Friday, 19 February 2010
Natural History Museum
After a mad hour shoot running around the natural history museum like a maniac before it opened to the kiddies, i am most definitely taking a trip back!
Having not visited since Papi took me when i was about 5 and baring in mind the only thing i can remember was cowering behind him at that bloody great dinosaur skeleton .. the museum is a maze of intriguing moving, talking and flashing exhibitions that are art in their own right!
so here's a sneaky peak of the shoot for you ;]....

For the full shoot visit
Photography: Mariell Amelie
Make Up: Ole Elias
Model: Sophie
Mariell Amelie,
natural history museum,
ole Elais,
olivia wright
Sweet Vandals
After the busiest week :|..which still hasn't finished! i have decided that i am going to write to you every day.
For now... a song.
one of my faveorites of all time.
goodnight :] x
Monday, 8 February 2010
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