its been non stop, hence no writing on the the blog.
fri14th-sat15th: prowl time. portobello & east end vintage shops in search for dandyness. & also meeting with my old college where i did design to see their new talent and if any of it will feature into the roald dahl shoot!
sun16th: carry on miss windsor shoot with mariell & ole!
mon17th: let the time traveling magic begin!
tues18th-thur20th: raid a joke shop for troublesome two slash three & organize for mooshki bridal shoot.
fri21st: troublesomes. can't wait will be hillarious.
sat22nd-sun23rd: dress fitting, dress making, finishing & styling.
mon24th: lumlycastle&weardocks for shoot. fingers crossed!!
tues25th: HOME. BED. IM75.
wed26th: start planning final shoot of the academic year. yay.

sweetdreams x
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